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Guidelines for the New York Daily Impact

All New York Daily Impact (NYDI) ads will run five days in each of the network's participating daily newspapers (unless otherwise noted) and one day in each participating weekly paper during the week of publication (Sunday through Saturday). Advertisers may request a specific day (for example Sunday), however specific run days are not guaranteed. NYNPA and each participating newspaper reserves the right to edit all copy submitted, and reject that which does not comply with the program guidelines (please refer to the Standards of Acceptance). The standards of individual newspapers may differ.

Proof of Publication

NYNPA periodically monitors the participating newspapers and guarantees 90% placement (on most types of ads). Any guaranteed ad that does not receive a 90% placement will be run again during the following week at no charge. If an error should occur in an ad, it will be corrected the following week by the participating newspaper(s). The NYDI network does not receive tearsheets from each newspaper on a weekly basis. Proof of publication in the form of an affidavit and one sample tearsheet will be furnished by NYNPA upon advance request only.

Word Count Method

Telephone numbers (including area code) are one word. Addresses (number and street) are two words. PO boxes are two words. City, state and zip code count as one word each. Numerals (such as salary figures or the year) are one word. Only generally accepted abbreviations (ASAP, EOE, NYS, etc.) will be allowed. Symbols that stand for words (&, @, etc.) will be counted as one word. Please feel free to contact Don Ferlazzo at the NYNPA office at 518.449.1667 or email mmcdermott@nynpa.com if you have questions about word count.

Deadline Information

All ads are due in the NYNPA office by Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. prior to the week of publication. All ads received after the deadline will automatically be published the following week.

Rate Information

An ad that is 25 words or less is $625 for one statewide insertion. Additional words over 25 are $15 each. Frequency discounts apply for multi-week orders.


NYNPA and each participating newspaper reserves the right to edit all copy submitted, and to reject that which is not in compliance with state and federal regulations or is otherwise unacceptable (please consult the Standards of Acceptance for more information).

For specific questions or help with your order please contact Margaret McDermott, Advertising Coordinator, at (518) 449-1667 or mmcdermott@nynpa.com.

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